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Golden Advice for My Dear Son

The advice given by the virtuous mother to her son carries deep wisdom about respecting women and understanding the sanctity of relationships. Here's a refined version of the message:

Golden Advice for My Dear Son

1. Respect Above All:

Never raise your hand against a woman, for it is in her nature that by enduring such disrespect, she strips away a man's dignity from within.

2. Humility in Generosity:

No one is in desperate need of our food. Even the poorest person can find a way to eat two meals. Remember, giving is not about showing off wealth, but about genuine compassion.

3. Marriage is a Partnership:

A wife is not a slave or a servant. Treat her with respect and honor, for Allah has laid down laws to protect her dignity. If a man insults his wife, she has the right, without sin, to seek separation.

4. Trust in Your Partner:

If someone speaks ill of your wife, discuss it with her before taking any action. Remember, Allah has entrusted her to you, and just as He made her halal (permissible) for you, He can make her haram (forbidden) for you and halal for someone else if He wills.

5. The Fragility of Love:

A woman will endure your bad behavior only as long as she loves you. Once that love fades, she will change. This is her nature.

6. Never Raise Your Hand:

Do not raise your hand against a woman, for by doing so, you destroy not just her respect, but your own soul.

7. Value Your Wife's Role:

Do not humiliate your wife by using your children against her. The lessons she teaches them about respect and kindness will shape their future. Treat her well, and she will raise them well.

8. A Woman's Loyalty:

A woman may believe that she has no one but you, but this is a misconception. A woman loves with her heart, but when forced, she will leave with her mind. When a man begins to hate, she senses it immediately, and though she may hold on for a time, her love will eventually fade, leaving you with the consequences of your actions.

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