Mumbai: Mumbai Police probing the threat e-mail case received by actor Salman Khan have found a British link. The e-mail ID though which the mail was sent did not reveal much but it has been found the mail was linked to a mobile number based in the UK, according to police sources. Police are now trying to trace the person under whose name the number was registered. Last week, Mumbai Police booked jailed gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldie Brar and Rohit Garg for allegedly sending threatening emails to actor Salman Khan's office. Bandra Police registered a case under sections 506(2),120(b) and 34 of IPC. Mr Khan has been provided with Y+ category security by the Mumbai police as the actor is perceived to be under threat. The Maharashtra state government took this step after the actor received a threat letter from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang earlier. Last year, Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan received a death threat. Salim Khan's security team found the letter outside their Mumbai home near the Bandra Bandstand promenade, where he goes for his routine morning jog. In October last year, Delhi Police made a sensational revelation in the case pertaining to the alleged plot to kill Salman Khan. Police said that the Lawrence Bishnoi gang members tried to befriend the staff of the actor's farmhouse in Mumbai to ascertain the details about the timings of his entry and exit.
Salman Khan's Death Threat Email Linked To UK: Mumbai Police
Mumbai: Mumbai Police probing the threat e-mail case received by actor Salman Khan have found a British link. The e-mail ID though which the mail was sent did not reveal much but it has been found the mail was linked to a mobile number based in the UK, according to police sources. Police are now trying to trace the person under whose name the number was registered. Last week, Mumbai Police booked jailed gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldie Brar and Rohit Garg for allegedly sending threatening emails to actor Salman Khan's office. Bandra Police registered a case under sections 506(2),120(b) and 34 of IPC. Mr Khan has been provided with Y+ category security by the Mumbai police as the actor is perceived to be under threat. The Maharashtra state government took this step after the actor received a threat letter from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang earlier. Last year, Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan received a death threat. Salim Khan's security team found the letter outside their Mumbai home near the Bandra Bandstand promenade, where he goes for his routine morning jog. In October last year, Delhi Police made a sensational revelation in the case pertaining to the alleged plot to kill Salman Khan. Police said that the Lawrence Bishnoi gang members tried to befriend the staff of the actor's farmhouse in Mumbai to ascertain the details about the timings of his entry and exit.